domingo, 24 de outubro de 2021

WOMAN, a journey to empowerment, the Anastasia Mikova & Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s film for BNP Paribas

Olha que coisa mais linda, mais cheia de graça , é ela que passa ….e diz:


   Um depoimento que me encheu as medidas. É muito reconfortante saber que noutro lugar do mundo, uma mulher faz as seguintes afirmações:

“Around the clock , wherever you are , whatever you do, you’re obsessed by what happens to your children and trying to make sure that you keep the connection, the presence in their life.

Sometimes they don’t want you to be so present in their lives. So you have to fight to ocuppy that space and to be with them. 

You can never be done with a mother’s work. It is one of the jobs you have for the rest of your life. You have to be an ATM , a social worker, you have to be a lawyer, a punching bag, sometimes. Everything, every role , come withe that thing of being a mother.

At the same time you have to be the strong leader that your job demands of you.

Again , multitasking!”

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