sábado, 8 de maio de 2021

Pablo Picasso interview fragment

Photo by David Douglas Duncan 

- Why are you dancing?
- There's no ' why ", I dance.
- Are you a plastic artist who dances?
- Yes... or a dancer who paints, whatever you prefer.
- Since when do you dance?
- Forever.
- What do you think when you dance?
- I don't think, sorry.
- What do you feel?
- Love.
- Love?
- Yes, yes.
- But why?
- There's no ' why ' ' for love.
- Feel anything else?
- Life.
- What do you mean?
- Some, just some, do on this earth what they were created for. These live. Others survive. Who dances lives.
Is dancing an essential thing?
Is breathing essential? Did I answer your primary question?
- But there's a ' price ' ' for that choice.
- For dancing? Yes, there is.
- Is it expensive?
- Never mind.
- Did you pay this price?
- I still pay.
- You should dance for someone...
- Also, I mean, not just for someone, or for a reason. You dance because you were born to dance, just as you paint because the paintings already exist within you, you only release them; so it is with dancing, she moves inside you; if you don't release her she is capable of... I don't even know! An ant does its job without questioning, birds fly without questioning, fish swim... men, some kill, others prefer to do what they were created for: love.
- I dance, paint, love
- Do you always dance?
- Only when I love it.
- When do you love it?
- When I dance.

Photo by David Douglas Duncan 

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